Albyco FSC-certified!

Wood is one of the most durable materials that exists. While growth it absorbs CO2, a gas that is a growing problem for us as mankind into the atmosphere. There is little required relatively little energy from wood to make a product (paper, box, frame, door or just timber). This environment is minimal taxed as wood-products are been made.

As a trading company, we believe that we must take responsibility for our environment in our operations. Therefore we have taken several initiatives to improve the sustainability of our business. One example is that we made the conscious decision to certify our company FSC®. By removing this certificate and by acting on orders FSC according to the guidelines of FSC International we demonstrate transparently that we provide FSC products. To this we also will be checked by a certifier anually. FSC International has strongly advocated the use of wood as a raw material for all kinds of products. It is not the goal of FSC International for wood as a raw material to a halt, she lends credit to the (economic) importance of timber to the population in the countries of origin. FSC International seeks after so that people and animals in the countries of origin but also in our western world indefinitely benefit from the forests in the world. FSC wood is wood from sustainably managed forests. FSC certified forests are managed in such a way that they are not threatened in their existence. This is primarily good for the forest, but also for the animals that live therein and for the people who live in these forests and work. Ask us about the possibilities for FSC certified products, because we supply much rather FSC products than non-certified products.